Happy to meet you!

I am Hortense, life coach and certified ISF sophrologist based in London.

I support people to cope with anxiety through combining sessions of coaching and sophrology. Sophrology is a natural, effective solution to regain peace and balance in one’s life.

Each session is tailored to your needs and designed to empower individuals in their life journey.

Sessions can be guided in English or French.

From feeling anxious and worried to feeling unique, strong and resilient, like a diamond.

What is Sophrology?

The word Sophrology derives from the Greek terms: SOS (harmony), PHREN (consciousness), and LOGOS (science of). It literally translates to “the study of consciousness in harmony.”

For me, Sophrology can be defined as a set of practical techniques that enable us to experience how the positive reality of the body connects with the clarity of the mind, fostering the growth of the radiant self.

Sophrology was developed between 1960 and 2001 by neuropsychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo to improve the mental health of his patients. It is a unique blend of Western relaxation techniques and Eastern meditative practices, incorporating gentle body movements, breathing exercises, and positive visualization.

Since its inception, Sophrology has gained widespread popularity in the French-speaking world. In countries like Switzerland and France, it is widely used for a variety of purposes—from improving mental health to enhancing performance at the highest levels of sports competition.

Simple techniques   Easy to learn.

  • Breathing exercises: Using the breath to enhance your health, both physical and mental

  • Dynamic relaxation: Gentle movements, suitable for everyone

  • Visualisation: Exploring the power of your mind.

What makes Sophrology unique?

The focus of Sophrology practice is that it actively engages both the body and the mind simultaneously to offer new perspectives for a self-transformation and mental health. Sophrology goes beyond simply releasing physical tensions in the body or uncovering worries buried in the mind. It aims to actively transform the self by engaging both the body-mind in a hand- in-hand process. This intention to unfold resources where both body-mind interact is what make Sophrology so unique.

Solutions that are emerging from that experiences are folded consciously in the body during Sophrology sessions. This is what we called embodiment. Experimenting new positive dimensions of our internal and external world during Sophrology session is called phenomenology.

Embodiment and phenomenology may seem very complex words. In Sophrology, they simply want to say that there is a path to positively perceive a new reality of what we see, what we hear, what we smell, what we taste, what we touch. There is a possibility to unfold new filters to experience life in a more positive way by simply activating the link body-mind.  The body become the vehicle of the mind and the mind the theatre of action of what is happening in our body.

In Sophrology there is no duality, one body one mind which work in separate way. In Sophrology body and mind are reconcile as one.  

Accessible to everyone Tailor-made programmes

My approach to overcome anxiety.

Instead of seeing anxiety solely as a burden, I am convinced that anxiety is the light that guide the direction for growth and self-discovery. By realising that anxiety should not see as an enemy to shut down but rather a guide who can teach to adjust, you can learn to work with it.

Anxiety can be seen as a positive signal, indicating that something needs to be addressed or changed. These positive adjustments can help you realign with who you truly are. Don’t fear your anxiety—it holds the potential to give you the strength to dig deep and uncover your true self, allowing you to shine from withing and to see your own light, just like a shining diamond.

What you need is to look beyond. Anxiety has so much to discovered your true self—the diamond shape of your identity.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul.”

Japanese proverb

“I highly recommend sessions with Hortense to manage anxiety”

Agathe Lecaron, French TV presenter.

“Hortense has a wonderful gift of working as sophrologist”

Marine, new mum.

“Sophrology with Hortense was a transformative experience”

Gabriel, senior manager in financial services.



Individual session £80

Pack of 5 sessions £350

Home visits in central London

Individual session £90

Pack of 5 sessions £410